Dutch Quarter Community Center, Dutch Quarter, Sint Maarten

1(721) 580 4997 / 520 7663

We are an official Training Center for the AHA


About us

The Windward Islands Emergency Medical Services is an EMS training organization geared to provide training in First Aid, CPR/AED, EMR (First Responder), EMT and any related pre-hospital care

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide outstanding pre-hospital and emergency medical training to the community of Sint Maarten, in support of pre-hospital care providers, fire fighters, police officers, schools, sports organizations, corporations and communities. We also want to provide the community with a team of volunteers that displays readiness to serve in the event of a disaster.

In 1991 Dr. Glenn Bryson returned to St. Maarten and worked as a physician at the St. Maarten Medical Center.

When receiving patients, brought to the hospital by ambulance, he quickly realized that pre-hospital care on St. Maarten was still far from ideal. Ambulance personnel lacked formal training, transported the patient, but provided little medical care or vitally important patient information.

WIEMS was founded in 1992, with the objectives to; organize, upgrade and maintain a high level of emergency medical training on all levels, and for any persons interested (see; articles of incorporation).

Mr. Lou Jordan was brought in from the USA, and taught the first two “First Responder” courses. A course that, from that time on, was taught by Dr. Glenn Bryson. He became the first instructor of the Windward Islands Emergency Medical Services.

In 1995 hurricane “Louis” devastated St. Maarten, and the development of emergency plans for St. Maarten became urgent. In 1996 WIEMS participated in Mass Casualty Management training organized by the PAN American Health Organization.

Mrs. Doreen Gumbs-Vines, from the USA, visited her father’s country of origin, Saint Martin, and was interested in working together with WIEMS. She introduced the EMT (Emergency Medical Technician – Ambulance worker) program to the island in 1997. A few years later she established a training school in the USA, which she also gave the acronym WIEMS (Worldwide International Emergency Medical Services).

The EMTs on St. Maarten, whether they work at the Ambulance Department, at the PJIA, Sheriff Security or as a volunteer, were all trained by WIEMS locally. They received a minimum of 40 hours of training as a First Responder, and 120 hours of training as an EMT. To conclude the program Mrs. Vines, and her instructors, would typically come in for 2 weeks to review all the material and proctor the exams.

In 2000 the WIEMS signed an “Assistance Agreement” with Government where we were charged with providing training in the field of emergency medical care. We also were requested to provide assistance with trained volunteers in cases of large accidents, disasters and/or emergencies of a large scale. (see: Bijstands-overeenkomst en protocol inzake eerste hulp bij ongevallen).

Over time Dr. Bryson was assisted by Joanna Rijnboutt (bachelor of Education), Merlin Aventurin (EMT-Ambulance worker) and Maria Chemont (RN/EMT), and the pool of instructors grew.

In association with the Health Department of Washington D.C. both Merlin Aventurin and Joanna Rijnboutt became EMT instructors.

In addition to First Responder courses (now named; Emergency Medical Responder) and EMT courses, WIEMS also provides First Aid/CPR/AED courses following the curriculum of the American Heart Association.

In 2012 Dr. Bryson moved to Curacao, but is still an honorary member of WIEMS. Dr. Simmons was found willing to become the new Medical Director of WIEMS.


The Ministry of Health has an excellent working relationship with WIEMS, which is evident in the memorandum of understanding that was recently signed between the two entities. A commitment to work together in the interest of the community by sharing resources and strengthening each other.